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Vicky Frey Russell posted a symbolic gesture
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

To my dear cousin Beverly Rinier Kaylor: I was saddened when I read about your husband Brian's passing. Although I never knew him, he was your husband, so that makes him family. If you need someone to "talk" to, you can always email me. Let the grieving process sweep over you. This too shall pass. Be in the Present Moment. Just Be. Allow those happy memories of Brian wash over you like heaven's tears. My husband, Henry, and I send you our sincerest condolences and love... Your cousin Vicky and Henry Russell
Deborah A Stum posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
My sincere condolences go out to all of Brian's family. We moved to Mount Joy in 1969 and our house was directly across from his. Brian introduced me to great music and we always had a good laugh when he tried to dance! As my brother stated, dirt bike adventures, behind Brian's house, were best kept secret. Some days we would walk home from Donegal High and realize, halfway, that we made a huge mistake!! He will be dearly missed.
Deborah Evans Stum
Cynthia Charles Eder posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
To the family and close friends of Brian Kaylor,
I was so very sorry to hear of Brian's passing. Brian lived just down the hill from where I grew up in Mount Joy. I remember him from those days of walking to and from Grandview Elementary school, sledding down the middle hill because the borough closed it off and on the hill behind Bobby Long's house on Bruce Avenue. I also attended Glossbrenner as well, and if memory serves, I believe Brian was in my confirmation class. My eldest sister dated his older brother way back when too. I remember Brian as a kind, fun loving boy and young man. My deepest condolences to his family and close friends! So very very sorry! May your memories comfort you and in time bring you peace.
Cynthia Charles Eder
Jim Evans posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
I was very saddened to read about Brian's passing. I will never forget all the fun times as kids driving around in the field behind his house, riding dirt bikes and talking about cars (I still regret not buying his Olds 442 when I had the chance!) Oh, and scaring the crap out of him as he took me out driving when I received my permit. Brian is now free of any health issues and is reunited with those that went before him. My sincere condolences to Bev, Brooke and Brian's siblings and extended family. Praying for you at this time.
Jim Evans
The family of Brian L. Kaylor uploaded a photo
Monday, January 4, 2021

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