Monday, October 23, 2017
Aunt Ida was always a beloved aunt. Whenever we visited their house in Manheim, it became most clear that she and Uncle John were very happy to see us. We would run through the house -- upstairs and down -- playing "hide and seek." And meals at Aunt Ida's were always so super!
A further reason I always felt close to Aunt Ida was that we shared the same birthday -- April 28. So when the lilac bush was in bloom down by our rural mailbox south of New Holland, I would go down to the mailbox to see if there were any birthday cards. On many years there would be a card from Aunt Ida. One year the card enevelope was so fat, my mother -- who got to the mailbox before me -- assumed that her sister had enclosed a letter for her with my card, so she opened up the enevelope. Mom discovered however that Aunt Ida had just enclosed a book of stick-on seals for me!
I remember how some evenings Mom would be on our farmhouse phone for a half hour or longer talking with her beloved sister.
With much fondness,
Earl Martin Harrisonburg, VA